Friday, October 8, 2010

CHAPTER 5 - A new woman has emerged

My friend's mom wasn't very cool with me running away from home so she called my parents and took me back home. I was determined to get the fuck out of there. My mother attempted to have a talk with me about the recent events but I basically told her that I planned on getting a job to save money and move out of the house. She told me that I could not work while I was living under her roof; and that if I got a job, she would kick me out of the house. I got a job anyway and when I got back home from my first day of work...all my things were waiting for me outside the house. I guess she wasn't bluffing, hahaha. Benjamin took me to my mother's good friend's house who we called our aunt (aunt Nancy) because we had known her for a very long time. Aunt Nancy of course begged me to go back home and beg for my mother's forgiveness...I told her that I would rather live in the streets before going back, so she put up with me. I had a little bit of freedom because aunt Nancy worked a lot. She dropped me off at school in the mornings and I found a ride to work and sometimes back home, or she picked me up from work. I dated a bit, which she didn't like but I could care less. Finally when she felt so guilty about housing me, she told me I had to move out...I guess she figured that if she kicked me out, I would have no choice but to go back home. But she figured wrong. I asked my very good friend, Sarah if she could ask her parents permission for me to stay with them till I graduated high school and found a place. Her parents were very welcoming...they were also reasonable parents. Sarah was allowed to work, and she had a car, and a proper curfew...I definitely enjoyed living there. I spent thanksgiving and Christmas with them and finally I got approved for an apartment, my very own apartment. I was so excited!!! I really needed my freedom. I also got a credit card with $150 on it, lol. I applied to only one college, which had a great business program like I wanted because I knew I would get in. I did get in. My guidance counselor was very concerned about me but I knew I would be fine. I decided that I would strip while I was in college....that was how I entered into the adult entertainment industry.
I answered an ad that needed strippers for bachelor parties; the guy who ran the company was a complete douchebag and talked to the dancers very disrespectfully, but I worked with him a little because I needed the money and I knew that I wouldn't be working with him for very long. I made very good money with him, but I knew I couldn't work with someone that didn't deal with me respectfully so I started hunting for another gig. I answered an escort ad; I was naive....not knowing that escort was another name for prostitute, but even when I found out what it meant, I didn't really care. As long as I was getting paid well, and I did. But the guy who ran that company was a pimp and wanted me to give him all my hard earned money and in return he promised to "take care of me"...of course, that didn't work for me so I moved on. Then I answered another ad and it was the right fit. I was very popular because of my body type, plus I was 18, fresh out of high school...I was a lean, mean, fucking machine! lol. I made a lot of money with this company...the owner took a liking to me and we started dating, he spoiled me and treated me very well...I fell in love with him. Even though he had 3 kids by another woman, he treated me so well that it didn't matter. His house was amazing and he inspired and encouraged me to be my best self. He believed in me and made me feel/believe that I could have it all and I loved it.
But then.....every beginning must have and end. I found out that he had a fiance, gasp! I was so naive, I saw women's clothing and belongings at his home, but he told me they were his sister's and that she was in the process of moving out. I, like a dumb ass, believed him. One evening while we were at his home, I heard a car screech in the drive way and and out she jumps with a baseball bat and comes after me for "messing with her man". He got in the way and suggested that I left immediately. I was in so much shock! He was apologizing to her so I knew she wasn't lying...I left in disbelief. My heart was truly broken, crushed into pieces. It hurt so badly, I even cried for an hour. After I let it all out, I wiped my tears and it was time, yet again to take a step in another direction....I ended it with him and even though he came back begging me with gifts (which I accepted, lol) and told me that he was planning on leaving her, I didn't take him back. It was then I decided that I would leave him and his company all together and work as an independent escort, so I branched out on my own....

Chapter 4 - NEW CITY, NEW LIFE (additonal info)

I was so excited to come to the United States. I know the trip was very long, but I don't even recall being tired because I was so excited. Ben and I talked the whole time of what life would be like. Everything was fascinating in the United States. I was excited to go to school, I got enrolled in middle school while Ben took his GED to get enrolled in college. People were just as fascinated with me as I was with the U.S. They did ask stupid questions though; like "do you guys live in trees?", "do you speak English?". Hello!!! My English was better than theirs to begin with. Anyways, I still enjoyed school. I aced all my classes and I made some friends. I always made 100's; it was too easy! People were always shocked by how I made the grades with ease.
Life at home was exciting as well. I tried hot dogs, corn bread, burgers, etc for the first time. Although after a while, I got over it. I loved my native dishes (still do) too much. After the excitement of the U.S wore off, I started getting annoyed with my parents. They won't let me have or go to sleepovers with friends. My friend's mom wanted to take us to the movies and they told her no. I did all my chores (which was a lot; I was practically the maid), made good grades, and was an overall good child, yet I didn't get rewarded at all. My mother just wanted me to go to school, go to church, and come home. I started to resent my parents.
I got enrolled in soccer, which turned out to be a great sport for me and I excelled in it.
High school came; I still got the same lousy treatment from my parents but I hung in there and bit my tongue. It wasn't until junior year of high school that I had enough. They wouldn't even let me get a job to buy clothes and they didn't give me money for clothes; so my friend and I would shoplift. The only job I was allowed to have was as a soccer referee for kids, and then finally, they let me get a job at our church's daycare. I envied Ben, he got to drive (they didn't let me drive or get my permit and I was 17!!!) and have some freedom. They were afraid that I would get pregnant....they watched too much television. Like keeping me locked up in the house was going to stop me if I really wanted to have sex. I wanted to join the dance team; I auditioned and got in and then they told me I couldn't do it because I would be too close to the football players, lol.
That summer after school, we went to London to visit my grandmother (from my dad's side) for the first time and our two aunts (also from our dad's side). London was ton's of fun! My grandma was loving as a grandma would be. She made a fuss over us and we liked it. They were Jehovah's witness but my older aunt wasn't very religious. She was cool. She had a daughter and she had a sugar daddy supporting them. She pulled me to the side one day and said: "you see what you have between your legs? You use that to get whatever you want from men". I took that message to heart. On our way back to the states, I decided to lose my virginity and boy did things take a different turn after that.
I slept with a classmate that I really liked, then after that the captain of the football team, and a few others in between. I even had sex in the boys locker room with the captain was; it was all exciting, and I made sure that I used condoms of course...things started to get fun. I snuck guys into our basement and fucked them in Benjamin's room, I was having a blast! Then I started lying about having soccer games (I was on the Varsity team because I was that good, lol) and I would hang out with me friends. My mother caught on to me and busted me one night. I wasn't even apologetic. I told them, if they would give me some freedom, I wouldn't have to sneak out. I mean they wouldn't even let me hang out with my girlfriends for goodness sake!!!
One day, my very good girlfriend from high school (the one I did all my shoplifting with) and I went to wal-mart. I shoplifted the stupidest stuff and of course, I get caught. I've shoplifted way more stuff in the past but this time my items came up to $12, are you kidding me??? I was mad at myself for that one. They arrested me and took me into custody/holding cell. The warden (lady) begged me to call my mother, but I wasn't going to; finally she wore me down (I guess I do have a heart) and I called my mother; who was hysterical. Apparently, they called the cops but they knew nothing about me or my friends (because they didn't care to meet them) to tell the cops to give them "leads'. I knew I shouldn't have called, lol. Now I had to deal with that. My step-dad of course starts acting "holier than thou" and threatens to leave me in jail...I could care less...I didn't even want to talk to them in the first place!
The next morning, the judge let me go free since it was my first offense, provided that I show up on my court date. I get out and my step-dad is waiting for me...ugh! He was the last person I wanted to see. I didn't say a word to him and he didn't to me. He took me home and he left the house. I called my girlfriend and packed up most of my stuff. I was running away....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A new life in the United States (CHAPTER 4)

Everything about the states was exciting at first (hotdogs, hamburgers, cornbread, mac & cheese, etc) but then as with every new toy, you get used to it and get over it. I had to be put in the 8th grade even though I was meant to be in the 9th grade, because the school season was very far ahead and they didn't think I could keep up. So that meant that I was a year older than everyone in my class, which was new to me because I was used to being the youngest one back home. I got bumped up a lot because I was smart so I was in school with with people 4 years older than me when I was back in Africa.
In any case, 8th grade was a was cool to see the way classrooms were set up. The lockers, homeroom, students with different color skin and hair, everything was exciting (even riding the bus) and easy. The only subject I had trouble with was algebra, but it didn't take long to grasp it and I did very well. The students were very curious, asking if we lived in trees and ran wild with lions, hahaha. They were pretty stupid, but I let them know that we were westernized just like Americans.
Life at home was ok....we lived in a nice, big 5-bedroom house in the suburbs. The subdivision was kept very nicely. We had chores assigned to us but for some reason, I got most of it. I always did my chores though and made good grades but my parents were still too strict! I even had a bed time, which was fine with me if they just let me hang out with friends. One time, a friend from school invited me to go out to the movies with her and some other friends. Her mom was going to chapperone us; she talked to my step-dad and he still said no...I was so pissed and sad at the same time. My period started that year (I was 14) and I had the worst cramps ever! I even had to get taken to the emergency room from school one time. Name brands were definitely a must have in school but my mother didn't believe in that because she thought it was wasteful (however not for my younger siblings when they started wanting those things; I'm just going to assume she learned from her mistakes with me); they wouldn't even pay to get my hair done, so it was kind of annoying going to school but it was ok. As long as I was excelling, I felt great about myself. I swear though, everything I wanted, they denied me. I needed braces, BADLY!!! but they didn't want to spend the money. They wanted me to do my chores, be respectful, make good grades, go to church, etc. But when I wanted something as little as decent clothes and hanging out with my friends, they denied me. This is a tension that was building up and will finally explode.
I got into soccer reluctantly, but it turned out to be a great sport that I loved. I was also part of the dance team, but my parents made me quit because they thought it would lead to me sleeping with the football team, lol. Even as I moved on to high school they were still too strict. They wouldn't let me girlfriends sleep over, or vice versa, let alone let me date.
After a while my step siblings (my step dad's kids with his ex-wife) came to live with us. We also had a family friend living with us. At one point, there were a lot of people in the house and I was left with all the chores with no reward for it. I got along with my step-sisters but they didn't get along with my mother and after a while, it drifted us apart. My brother ended up sleeping with one of my step sisters, which was a HUGE taboo. There was definitely a lot of drama in that house.
The summer of the year I turned 17, my mother had the fabulous idea to send us to London to visit my grandmother and two aunts. It was a fun trip, we visited trafalgar square, went to Jehovah's witness church with my grandmother and aunt and got to see a lot of beautiful things in London. One of my aunt was the cool one and she told me to use what's between my legs to get what I wanted from men. I kind of understood the concept but had no clue just how on point she was. We also met up with a cousin that lived there, along with some guy I chatted with on yahoo chatrooms who turned out to be lame. I even learned to travel around London myself. It was the first time I ever saw my grandmother (from my dad's side) and she was just awesome. My trip to London was definitely a lot of fun ;-). Unfortunately, my grandmother passed a few months after we left; she could have saved her life with a blood transfusion (or something like that) but because she was a jehovah's witness, her religion won't let her. It was almost like she stayed alive just to see us before she passed. I didn't really feel like I had lost someone though because I didn't know her for that long. I thought it was sad that she died but that was about it.
I decided to lose my virginity after 16 and now that I was 17, it was time. I decided to lose my virginity once I returned to the states. I had him picked; his name was Garfield. I snuck him into our basement and I lost my virginity right at my house with out my parents or anyone knowing. It was actually in my brother's room. He had moved into the basement and I had my room all to myself upstairs, but I couldn't sneak out though, lol. After I lost my virginity, I slept with the captain of our football team, and a couple of other guys I thought were hot without my parents knowing. It's funny, the one thing they were so scared of me doing, I did.
I even had to lie one time to my parents so I could hang out with my girlfriends. One time, I told them I had a soccer game when I didn't and I got to hang out and do normal things with my friends. We didn't even do much but I had fun. My mother was on to me though because she was waiting for me when I got home and confronted me. It turned into a screaming contest and I basically told them the I wouldn't have sneak around and lie to them, if they would let me hang out with friends!!! Of course, they didn't hear a word I said; typical.
I started shop lifting with a friend of mine. My parents wouldn't give me money for the basics so I decided to shoplift to get what I wanted. They won't let me get a job either so basically I was fucked either way. I had a part-time job, making crap money as a referee but it didn't buy much. They didn't want me to work AND they didn't give me money either! I know kids usually complain about their parents and seem to be over dramatizing everything but I wasn't asking for the world here! They let me get a job at our church as a baby sitter in our church but I didn't care for it. I even yelled at a kid once cause she was bouncing off the walls and I didn't last long for that. Hey, I learned that from home, lol. I finally got caught shop lifting at walmart and I got taken to jail. My parents had no idea where I was. Finally the guard convinced me to call home. My mother was screaming and sighing, and going on and on with the drama; this was why I didn't want to call home in the first place. Apparently, my parents had called the cops like they gave a shit about me, lol. But because they didn't let me have a social life, they didn't know who my friends were, to give the cops any leads on where I could be. I found out the next day that they were going to let me go free anyways provided that I come back to court on my court date; so I didn't really need to call my parents. I could have just lied and told them that I was at a friends house, but everything happens for a reason. When I left jail the next day, my stepdad was waiting for me; I was so pissed. He took me home, dropped me off and left. I packed up some of my things and called my friend (the one that shoplifted with me at walmart) and she picked me up and took me home but her mother didn't like me running away from home so she called me parents and made me go back, ugh! Things definitely took a turn from them on and everything would be different....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chapter 3: Life as a Nomad - Living with different relatives

I took the common entrance exam (we have to take that in order to get into the equivalent of the 7th grade in the U.S), and got into a military school. Benjamin went to boarding school at a different state. Since my mother traveled for months at a time, she had us stay with one of her step sisters (my aunt) who was quite the "wicked step-mother". I went to day school so I got to experience most of her wicked ways; lucky Ben, lol.
The school year went by pretty fast, I barely remember living with this aunt of mine. She had a daughter in my same grade (she went to a boarding school that I would later attend) and I was literally "Cinderella". I got dished all the chores, it was hard to believe that I was only 9 at the time. I got skipped several grades because I was smart :-) They were catholic so I went to mass with them and prayed at night with them. I learned how to say my "hail mary's". I detested living there and I was glad when my mother came back and put me in boarding school for my 8th grade year.
We then got to live with my mother's blood sister. Side note; my grandfather had many wives (about 20 or so); that's why we had so many aunts. Ben stayed at his school and I got transferred to a government owned private school. My brother and I went to school in different states from this current aunt (Let's call her Aunt Mary) and it was awesome!!! Aunt Mary was Jehovah's Witness so we attended her church with her
I was free to do as I wished so I slacked off a lot on my grades and just played like kids my age would; remember, I was only 10. I attended this school from the U.S equivalent of 8th-11th grade. I slacked off so much that I actually got held back when I was supposed to move on to the 11th grade. So in actuality, I attended the 10th grade twice. It seemed like my mother was gone for years. Aunt Mary treated us a lot better; and during summers we got to go stay with Aunt Cathy. She was so nice; treated us and her kids like gold. We went to resorts, played in the was so much fun. They were also catholic, so we went to mass with them. I looked forward to visiting every year! There were plenty of Aunts in our lives who were put in charge of looking after us. My mother sent money and clothes for us, but of course we never saw any of the money!
Finally, during my 4th year of boarding school, my mother returned to do some mothering...and I guess start paper work to get us moved to the States. Guess she got tired of having other people mother us? Not sure but she definitely didn't like the fact that my grades slipped so of course the beatings started again. We stayed in an estate where a friend of hers also lived; we call her aunt Patty. It was kind of nice having my mother back and having all the fun "American" clothes. We viewed the U.S back home as a place where everything was nice and everybody was upper class...I guess we were just naive. My mother started building a house...I suppose we had been renting all this time. We left for the U.S in 1997 (the house was half-way done) and it was on to a new adventure...It seems like we always kept moving! But I was excited to come live in the United States :-)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chapter 2 - Off to Mommy Dearest

One afternoon after tiring of the beatings my dad gave us (I'm guessing), he told us we would be going to stay with our mom for a while because he had to go out of town on business...if he actually was on good terms with ANY family member, perhaps they would have volunteered to watch us. It didn't matter anyway because that was just a lie my dad told us, I guess so our feelings wouldn't be hurt. Are you fucking kidding me???
It's still a bit blurry but I remember meeting my mother for the first and time, and being very happy to see her. For one, because I had never met her before till then, and always wanted a real mommy (my dad's girlfriends were bitches and didn't cut it). And two, because I wanted to get the hell out of that torture-fest!!!
I'm not even sure how we got to my mom's home because she lived in a completely different state; I'm guessing we drove and I slept a lot (still do on trips as an adult). I met my grandma on my mom's side of the family for the first time. My brother and I were so happy to be in a different situation. Life with my mother and her husband was very Euphoric at first. We immediately got enrolled in a private of the best in the area. I met my half-sister (4 years apart) for the first time, she was cool I guess, just very young, practically a baby. We had a live-in nanny, but we were assigned chores, etc. Life was pretty good/regular.
Then all of a sudden it seemed the switch in my mom's head went off, geeze! Not again! I started getting mercilessly beat for silly things a 7 year old would do. I would lie about stupid things, that I cannot even remember and my mom would beat the shit out of me to make me confess. The things she did over there, she would get arrested for in the States. I will get more detailed about the beatings later and give specific incidents. My brother didn't get in trouble as much because he was pretty good at being good I guess.
My mother was a strong "born-again" christian; (before that she was very heavy into voodoo, like my dad) we went to church regularly (a completely different scene from what we were used to while living with our dad). We even went to church's retreats; my mother was very into her religion, which was why I was baffled as to the way she mercilessly beat the crap out of me. That was not very God-like! I must stay though, because of her I learned about a completely different religion and had a broader view on life. I learned about the bible, God, Jesus, etc. I didn't have a narrow mind of just the voodoo religion and that was definitely a good thing for a child to know; that not everyone is harsh and brutal like my father and not everyone believes in voodoo, and that I had the freedom to choose what religion I wanted to follow.
I absolutely adored my stepfather though, perhaps because he was rarely ever there. I wished he would adopt me so I never had to see my father again! Of course all that would change, lol. He would only come by during the holidays (Christmas/new year's). He lived in the States so my mother would always travel to go see him, be with him. I think they were newly weds when my brother and I came into their lives so I guess she was trying to keep things balanced. My step-father was Ethiopian as well, he went to school in the States and ended up staying there, but he met my mother while he was visiting from the States and they fell in love and got married. Since my mother traveled for months at a time to be with my step-father in the States, we ended up having to stay with several different relatives...that led to the next chapter of my life, EXPERIENCING LIFE WITH DIFFERENT FAMILY MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT CLASS LEVELS...this definitely broadened my view of life even more.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chapter 1 - The early years

I was born in Ethiopia where I would live and be raised till the age of 12. It was just me, my older brother, Benjamin, our nanny, and my dad. My parents had divorced shortly after I was born and my father kept us, so I never knew my mother till I was about 6. The laws in Ethiopia give the parental rights to the man; this means that the father can practically keep the mother away from the children if he wanted. That was exactly what my dad did. Apparently, it was a messy divorce, so messy that my dad (as though he were a bitter woman), cut out my mom's face from all the family photos so we wouldn't know who she was. My brother however did remember my mom because he was old enough to remember when my parents divorced. Benjamin even remembers our mom coming over to the house one day to try to see us and my dad going outside to tell her to leave his property. They were arguing and screaming at each other and eventually my mom left and never got to see us. We had our live-in nanny take the place of our mother. We changed nannies a few times so I never really got to bond with any of them. My dad worked a lot so I never really bonded with him either, neither did my brother. The only person I ever really bonded with, and that I am very close with today, is my brother. While my father was at work, our nanny looked after us until we were old enough to start attending school. For some reason, Benjamin and I did not attend the same school, come to think of it, I don't think we ever attended the same school; not elementary, high school, or college. Weird huh? We got dropped off and picked up from school by our driver. Our nanny prepared our meals, bathed and clothed us, and basically took care of us and all the household duties. Sundays were our nanny's days off, she went to church; I believe she was Catholic. We never went to church, we weren't religious. I liked my nanny so much that I would ask my dad if I could go to church with her, and he would always respond sternly, "no".

I remember life with my father being very fabulous indeed. We were very spoiled! Whatever we wanted, we got. We had the lives of pampered children; private schools, lots of toys, driver to take us were we wanted, country club memberships, etc. We lived on our own street (as in my dad's father owned the land and decided to name it after himself), in our own private estate. There were two houses on the estate and my dad rented out one of the houses to a family with two young children about the same age as us; we got to play with them once in a while, although it wasn't at all encouraged by my dad. We also were instructed to never, under any circumstances, eat or drink anything from their home. This rule actually applied to everyone; on the rare occasions that my dad took us to visit his friends, we were not allowed to accept food or drinks from them. I never did understand why, until I got older. My dad was afraid that someone could poison us, both in a physical and spiritual sense; you will understand why he thinks this way as you read on. We did sneak sometimes and accept food from our neighbors when our dad wasn't around, after all, we were children ;0)
I absolutely loved Christmas time because of all the lovely dolls and dresses I would get; even though we weren't really christian, we celebrated Christmas anyway. And during the holidays, we actually get two sets of presents: one on Christmas day, and one on New Year's Day. Life was great indeed; I suppose this is why I like receiving gifts and being spoiled. My brother and I used to play all the time, which sort of turned me into a tom-boy as a child. We climbed trees, raced each other, watched my dad's porn (though I was very confused as to what they were doing at the time, lol), played house, and pretty much did what normal children do. My dad was big on pets, especially exotic ones. We owned a parrot, a dove, an eagle, a monkey, and a dog. After we moved out, I heard that my dad got several more exotic animals. Our groundsman used to kill lizards to feed eagle and we loved helping him hunt; we made believe we were Indiana Jones! LOL. Our nanny trained the parrot to say her name whenever she came around. I didn't care much for the parrot though because it bit me one day when I was trying to play with it; that bastard! LOL. My dad was very big on education; we had private tutors and he even took time, on occasion to tutor us himself. Most of the lessons he gave us were on our language, Oromigna. We spoke English, which was our first language, all the time. My dad wanted us to speak our language as well so he would give us fun lessons outside. We never did learn our language because it was never spoken to us, only taught to us in a classroom format. All we knew how to say were certain small words, and we knew how to greet a person. My dad also taught us how to play soccer because he was an avid soccer player. He absolutely loved the sport and so he wanted us to love it as well. We never got much visitors at the house; we didn't have any relatives come around. I came to find out later that my dad disowned his entire family which was why they were restricted from ever coming around. I never met my grandfathers on either side; they both passed away before I was born. I did not get to meet my dad's mom until I was 17; I met my mother's mom when I was 6. We were loners; it was always me and my brother. I think that is one of the reasons I am not really close with any of my family except my brother.
My dad was an excellent cook; normally, it is the woman who is a better cook because she is the domestic one, but my dad somehow was a great cook. Maybe it was because he never had a stable girlfriend around to cook him meals.

My dad had lots of girlfriends, most of them I don't even remember. He had a child with one of his girlfriends and I would get to know my half-sister later on in life. My dad treated his girlfriends very well; he spoiled them with gifts and money. (I guess that's where I get my sugar baby tendencies from). I must say though that African men are raised to take care of and support any woman in their life. So it is not a big deal for a woman to be on a first date with an African man and, if he is smitten with her, he starts asking her about her bills and even gives her money right away to take care of expenses. African men feel very proud when they can support their women financially, but they are very possessive. I didn't care for any of my dad's girlfriends. According to Benjamin, one time, when I was still a baby, one of my dad's girlfriends got angry with me and turned me upside down started shaking me while I cried; I don't remember this but Benjamin does. So you can say all the girlfriends hated us and just wanted to marry my dad so that they could control things. As a child, I could pretty much care less about what their intentions were because I didn't know nor did I understand what they were prone to think or do at the time. Plus there were so many of them that it was hard to keep track, especially since most of them did not last more than 3 months. My dad never married any of his girlfriends though, and he still has never re-married till this day. None of my dad's girlfriends really had a strong hold on him until the girlfriend I would like to call the VENOM.

I'm not sure what kind of super pussy Venom had, but apparently it was super enough to convince my dad to go completely mental and start treating us badly. Before I tell this story of how my dad ended his relationship with me and my brother, let me first say tell you that "voodoo" is something most Africans take very seriously. Venom took my dad to consult the "oracle", who practically tells the future and cannot tell a lie as far as voodoo followers are concerned. My dad was a serious voodoo follower; his bedroom was painted all red, he had red candles everywhere and we were never allowed in his bedroom. We would have to sneak in there when he was at work; I never understood why his room was that way or why we weren't allowed in until I got older. He was my dad, and so I did whatever he told me and followed all his rules. Even his girlfriends weren't allowed in his bedroom, they always slept in the guest bedroom whenever they spent the night.

During the time Venom was dating my dad, his real estate firm wasn't doing as well as he would have liked due to the economy. My father did not want to believe that was the reason and needed something/someone to blame for his misfortune, so Venom took my dad to her oracle, who was practically a 100-year old woman (I mean this bitch was old!!!), and the oracle told my dad that the reason his firm wasn't doing well was because we (my brother and I) were poisoning it with our evil spiritual powers. According to the oracle, we were children of the underworld sent into my dad's life with the sole mission to ruin it, and would you believe he fell for that bullshit? Yes he did! As I look back on those times now that I am adult, I often wonder "what the hell? Who seriously blames a 5 year old for ruining their business?" He actually asked us one day, "why wouldn't you use your powers to help my business instead of hurt it?" After the oracle was consulted, that was it for us. We were beaten everyday for confessions of our plans to destroy my dad's business; my dad made us sleep outside (naked) so we couldn't contaminate his house. Poor Benjamin, he took most of the beatings because I would hide behind him when my dad struck us with the switch. He has most of the scars, but I would get mine later on from my mother. We were taken to all kinds of petrifying shrines in order for some horrifying rituals to be performed on us to "cleanse us of our demons". Food and drinks were sacrificed to the "gods of the water". I remember wondering why they were throwing good food and drinks away, I just didn't get it because I was 5! My brother didn't get it either because he was only 3 years older than me. When I got tired of getting beat up everyday, I just lied and confessed to whatever the hell my dad wanted to hear; I don't even remember what I said in my confession. Benjamin just stood next to me crying and nodding in agreement to what I was saying. The funny thing is that I never once believed that we had spiritual powers, I knew there was no such thing even though I was 5 years old. Even though I "confessed", I didn't believe what I was confessing to; I knew I was lying in my confession but I was doing what I needed to do. There was nothing anyone could do to brain wash me into believing I had spiritual powers, I had to see it to believe it. That is how I am till this day especially when dealing with potential sugar daddies that claim to have money; I have to see them spend it on me to believe that they are sugar daddy material. I just don't believe the hype. The whole experience after Venom entered our lives was like a dream, it was like we were in the twilight zone; life went from being wonderful and fabulous to dreadful and depressing. When my all of my dad's effort to cleanse us didn't seem to be working, there was only one thing to do. Get rid of us!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I have lived a life of 20 women! I have seen and done things most women my age and older haven't even dreamed of. I am thankful for all my experiences for they have made me the well-rounded, intriguing, and enterprising woman that I am today.
From the day I was born, my life has been nothing but exciting and dynamic. It's almost like God put me on this earth for the sole purpose of being the bona fide excitment galore! The journey is still in progress, but first, I must fill you in on the first 23 years of my life.
I am currently 24 years old; I am in school working on my 2nd degree in Public Relations. My first degree was in Finance. I love life, travel, leisure, fun-filled times, the company of great friends and family, but most of all, I love and enjoy excitement. It takes a lot to get a rise out of me; I am not easily impressed or shaken for I have seen and heard most of it all. I do however, always give everyone a fair chance but once you fuck up, it's over! I am a loyal person to my friends and family. I can spot a bullshitter from a mile away. I am resourceful and know how to get what I want. I like being challenged mentally for I do get bored easily, which is probably one of the reasons I do not have a traditional full-time job. Right now I am at a stage in my life where I am exploring career options to see what I would be interested in doing. I'm also in the process of finding a new sugar daddy with the hopes that it will end up in a long-term arrangement and eventually marriage (yes you can marry your sugar daddy!) I've got to use my assets while I'm still young you know. I thought I would give you a brief description of myself so that you can see where I am coming from as you read my e-book/blog
For the sake of anonymity (I am a private person after all), names and locations will be changed. I plan on publishing this as a book, and I plan to remain anonymous, but I must first put everything down in writing. Being that I am going to be recalling 23 years of adventure filled living, you must please bear with me as I "pen" the escalating chapters; I plan on starting from the beginning and not skipping any chapters so it will take a bit of time to tell my story in detail (especially the early years).
With all that said, let's get on to the first chapter of the soap opera that I call MY LIFE