Wednesday, May 14, 2014

You can't quit me...

Once you're hooked, you're hooked!!!

I'm laying in bed this beautiful morning in the Windy City as I wait for my 9AM appointment. 
Yesterday I saw a good regular of mine that always keeps me for few hours so that was nice. The day before I saw a guy who wanted a fetish session where he wanted to lick my armpits. Like I said before, nothing shocks me anymore, lol.

So oldie texted me out of nowhere last night. He texted my escort number just to let me know that he knew I was back in the business. Asking me from for some of his clothes he had left at my place a million years ago. I told him to stop trolling the net for escorts and that I gave all his clothes away. He replied with a blank text. 
I don't know why these men can't just seem to move on! Oh yeah that's right, because I'm the best and they never realize it until I'm gone! Hahaha.
I can't wait to get back to paradise, to my home and my bed. Two more days! So excited :-)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Interesting Turn of Events

Well remember Mr. Scottland, the cheapo from a couple of days ago??? Well he tried to hang out with me again today so I just came out and told him that he needed to be generous and guess what??? He was fine with it.  Said he didn't know the rules, yeah right! Ha! In anycase he's supposed to be flying me back to the UK so we'll see how that goes.

I'm headed back to the States in the excited! I'm getting home sick now, lol.

So remember Mr. Frenchie? I blogged about him the last time I was here in the UK, Dom Perignon? Yes him...I decided to text him out of the blue to see if he would be interested in "hanging out" again but didn't think much of it since he protested paying last time but still did.  What do ya know??? He wanted to see me.  I went to see him tonight and of course it went well, he was all over me and obsessed.  After we finished fucking, he asked me if "this was my job".  Ha! I told him I didn't like labels and quickly changed the subject.  Told him about my plan to take a year to travel and he loved the idea and told me I was welcome to stay in his place (which is absolutely beautiful) anytime I want as long as I want. I don't know about that since I would still have to work on the side, but I must say I was flattered by the offer.
 I have to say, things are falling into place.  I might not know where I'm going, but I know that I'm going there in STYLE :-)

Next week I'm headed to Montreal to celebrate my birthday with's no Monaco but I will get there next year once I'm more fluid.  I will miss JDM (a fellow blogger) while I'm there, but something tells me we will connect soon enough.

I'm off to the States in 4 hours!!! Till then....xoxo

Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Little Bitch

I just saw a regular client of mine here in the UK.  Yet another fetish hungry client who just wants to worship me and be my little bitch...NO SEX.  Now don't get me wrong, of course I enjoy sex, but only with clients that know what they are doing and we all know there are a select few.
I have to say that I'm loving this genre more and much so that I'm looking forward to my fetish themed shoot when I get back to the states....I'm going to have a dedicated website just for this stuff....this is a big market and I am determined to tap into it.
I'm a naturally dominant woman to weak men (and even strong ones) so it comes naturally to me.  Plus is completely legal in the U.S and I don't have to worry about the stress of extensive screening.

I've decided to take a year to travel the world (working too of course) in the fall.  I will not renew my lease...I'm just going to float from place to place all over the US and the world! I won't have anything holding me back and I can just make decisions based on how I feel.  I'm excited as I feel that this is the only way I can truly enjoy and explore Europe.  Plus I will discover the gems that are little towns here in the US, for lucrative visits. In addition I believe this will help me grow spiritually and really be in tuned with myself and my intuition.  There are so many things I want to do and I know that being in one place is not going to get me there.  I'm kinda scared but more excited than scared...I have to take this leap of faith...what have I got to lose really?
I'm absolutely consumed by's all I think about...I'm just counting down the days till I'm completely FREE to move about as I please :-)

3 more months to go!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Scottish in the UK...meh

So I've arrived in the UK and I decided meet up with this Scottish guy last night from travel girls.  First guy I've ever met on that site.  I don't know if I like travel girls because it's just filled with your basic horny guys looking for free sex.  I guess pretty much like ANY OTHER SITE OUT THERE, lol.
This guy however, lured me in with his private club couldn't hurt to check out that scene as I heard it is pretty big here.
It was a nice property with an eclectic group....pretty fun evening and he seemed taken by me, as they all are, but I could tell this one would not the be the "paying" guy.  I'm pretty good at picking them out now based on conversation and listening to key things they say.  I could have gone fishing but I was kinda jet lagged and tired so this was sort of a refreshing change of scenery.  Plus I saw a good client earlier and I had made my quota for the day.
He seemed like a nice guy but he's an energy sucker.  This is a person that lives off your positive energy/vibes and literally feeds off you like a leach until you're just plain spent.

I was so tired that I agreed to have dinner with him today, yikes!!! What the fuck was I thinking?  He wanted to schedule it for later but I made him do it early so I can have time for fishing.  There's no way I'm going to let a non-paying guy take up my Friday evening!  I was actually pretty tired today so I blamed it on the jet lag.  He even commented on how I'm not my energetic self; translation - I need your energy to suck on because I'm a boring piece of shit without it.
I was actually kinda turned off by him because I mentioned that I needed a coat last night (I didn't anticipate it being as cold as it is in the UK and I didn't think to bring a jacket with me to the middle east and since I came straight from get the point).  This afternoon he messaged me asking if I made it to the store to get it yet, as if to say "I'll get it for you".  But did he??? Hell no.  He even had the nerve to ask me to send him pictures! Ha! I swear it's the cheap ones that are always asking you for THE WORLD.  I properly declined him of course telling him that privilege is for someone that I am in a relationship with.  Translation: No money, No pictures!
From my experiences, I've found that guys are either generous or THEY ARE NOT.  You cannot force them to be generous with you.  There are certain things you can say to bait a generous man, and if he is truly a gentleman, he will bite!
He even told me he wanted me to join him on a business trip to Scotland where he is from.  I again baited him with the "I really have to be careful about my expenses" line, and to that he responded "I will even buy your ticket".  Are you fucking kidding me??? He honestly thought I would pay for my own ticket to spend time with him? Ha!  Game, set, match! WE ARE DONE HERE.

In any case, after dinner we decided to walk down this street with several shops to see if we could find a coat.  This was his suggestion so I thought he was generous after all (I was wrong).  I told him I wanted something reasonably priced (again baiting him to show that I am sensible) since I have plenty of coats at home and didn't want to be wasteful.  He suggested we go into several stores but didn't offer to buy me anything.  At this point I was completely turned off and it showed.  I told him I was ready to go home.  He even mentioned in the taxi that I seemed colder today towards him (dumb ass, it's because you are not generous!!!).  I blamed it on the jet lag of course; I got home and bid him good bye.  He told me he really wanted to see me again, but that's not going to happen.  Not unless he pays up.  And if he messages me, I just might tell him to pay me, lol.
Sometimes it's situations like these that make me just want to be straight up with men and ask them to pay me, but there is a certain song and dance you do when you meet guys on one of these "dating" sites.  Most of them are posers and just looking for young/dumb girls to give them free pussy...thank God I'm not a fool.

I'm going to sleep this off because I definitely need to go fishing later.  I already have my spot picked out as I was successful the last time I was there....nite nite

Tomorrow I have a regular of mine coming to see me and I'm still going fishing!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Liaison with a proper Madame???

I've always wanted to work for the top (or one of the top) Madames in the world.  Could I have found her?

First let's get an update on how things are going in the middle east.
Mr. Algeria and I have completely cooled off.  He was supposed to grab my luggage, which had been broken in transit, to get it fixed.  He seemed eager to do it initially but for some reason, he has gone cold.  Perhaps because I didn't sleep with him? Or because he knows he cannot afford me? Either way I'm not one to chase men so he's just going to get ignored.

Mr. Kuwait messaged me saying he was planning on stopping by on his way from Manila and desperately wanted to see me.  I blew him off telling him I had an event to attend.  Since he's not into paying for my time, why should I grace him with my presence? When will these men learn? He's clearly not my type of guy anyway so he can spend time with his cheap self ALONE.
The guy that had invited me to London turned out to be a bragging cocky dumbass, so I told him off as well.  I was planning on going to London anyways.  I can't wait till next week when I do!  My birthday is coming up and I hope to spend it in Monaco if I can help it.

Ms. Attention has gotten on my last nerves.  She seems to want my attention none stop like a child, she constantly cuts me off when I'm talking.  It's like a competition with her and I have no time that.  She even goes as far as critiquing me for things that SHE'S ACTUALLY DOING HERSELF.  Talk about projecting!  She wants me to be "on" like she always is.  That's just not my personality.  It makes you seem too desperate.  I get plenty of men just fine with my relaxed personality.  I've accepted her for who she is, but she's refusing to return the favor.  I'm just going to ignore her for now because I just don't have the energy or time for it.  Maybe she'll change her tone but I don't really care.

I saw one of my regulars today so it was a lucrative day after all.  I've spend the rest of the day gathering up fetish/bdsm clothing for a fantastic shoot when I get back to the States.  It seems that I have to tap into this "Mistress" genre as men are willing to pay more to be abused, lol.  I'm going to dedicate a whole website to it.  I'm creating a whole new identity; I won't mix the two.  Just to see the type of feedback I will get.  I've always been curious about this type of work so this should be fun and exciting!

Ok so back to the Madame, I got an introduction through a friend of a friend.  Turns out she's established all over the world.  She has clients all through the Middle East, London, Monaco, St. Tropez, Miami, Vegas, & New York.  Music to my ears, but I was still skeptical because I know I don't get along with "agencies".  Why you ask? Because most of these small minded fools seem to be under the impression that because of my "ethnicity" I won't book jobs with their "white" clientele.  Ha!  Practically ALL of my clients (apart from the ones in the Middle East) are WHITE.
This Madame however, seemed very excited about me.  She looked bored while she was interviewing the other girls including Ms. Attention, but when it came to me, her eyes lit up and she called me "special",  (turns out she was married to an African man, lol).

The interview went well but that didn't mean anything to me until she sent me work.  Well last night, she did (less than 1 week after the interview).  It was a big fish too.  He was willing to pay triple the rate because of my "fetish" persona and toys, lol.  He lasted literally 8 minutes! And he tipped me on top of my awesome pay.  I can't be mad at that.  She even wanted to send me to another job right after but the impatient bloke wasn't willing to wait.
I met up with her today to give her the commission and we chatted for a while.  I'm headed to London when I leave here; she even has housing for the girls and I'm hoping I get even more clients while I'm there.  I got my own place for a few days though and we'll see how it goes. I already have 2 advance booking by myself (one regular and one new bloke).  I have ads up in Norway and I plan on putting one up in Monaco to see the response.
Things are looking up.  Hopefully this wasn't a one-hit wonder with Madame. I can't wait to see where this relationship will lead!