Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dubai, the land of unpredictability!

Well, what do you know? Today was a lucrative day....I really do wish this city was a lot more consistent.  I saw a Palestinian and a Saudi guy today.  Both affluent and more my style, although I find that the affluent in Dubai, are far and few in between.  Don't get me wrong, there is lots of money in Dubai, but the men that are drawn to me are men of affluence and so naturally, I have quality and not volume which is what I prefer.
It's just a shame that for such a progressive town, most of its inhabitants are lower class and hagglers...oh well.  I cannot change the world.
With both men we discussed politics and women's rights...actually stimulating conversation that flowed nicely, I enjoyed myself as I always do with my clients.

I've decided to make this trip just one week as I had an epiphany and I am seriously considering starting an agency of my own.  I used to run one while I was in college and now with all my experience and knowledge, I believe that I can run an even better one.  Who knows, I might be the next Heidi Fleiss, except without the drug problems, tax evasion, and arrest, lol.  I've also decided to re-focus my marketing with emphasis on where I live....after all, I would rather spend more time in the  paradise that I call my home, at the end of the day.  I would like to get to the point where touring is a choice, not necessity. Ah, goals are what keep me going baby! be continued

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