Friday, October 8, 2010

CHAPTER 5 - A new woman has emerged

My friend's mom wasn't very cool with me running away from home so she called my parents and took me back home. I was determined to get the fuck out of there. My mother attempted to have a talk with me about the recent events but I basically told her that I planned on getting a job to save money and move out of the house. She told me that I could not work while I was living under her roof; and that if I got a job, she would kick me out of the house. I got a job anyway and when I got back home from my first day of work...all my things were waiting for me outside the house. I guess she wasn't bluffing, hahaha. Benjamin took me to my mother's good friend's house who we called our aunt (aunt Nancy) because we had known her for a very long time. Aunt Nancy of course begged me to go back home and beg for my mother's forgiveness...I told her that I would rather live in the streets before going back, so she put up with me. I had a little bit of freedom because aunt Nancy worked a lot. She dropped me off at school in the mornings and I found a ride to work and sometimes back home, or she picked me up from work. I dated a bit, which she didn't like but I could care less. Finally when she felt so guilty about housing me, she told me I had to move out...I guess she figured that if she kicked me out, I would have no choice but to go back home. But she figured wrong. I asked my very good friend, Sarah if she could ask her parents permission for me to stay with them till I graduated high school and found a place. Her parents were very welcoming...they were also reasonable parents. Sarah was allowed to work, and she had a car, and a proper curfew...I definitely enjoyed living there. I spent thanksgiving and Christmas with them and finally I got approved for an apartment, my very own apartment. I was so excited!!! I really needed my freedom. I also got a credit card with $150 on it, lol. I applied to only one college, which had a great business program like I wanted because I knew I would get in. I did get in. My guidance counselor was very concerned about me but I knew I would be fine. I decided that I would strip while I was in college....that was how I entered into the adult entertainment industry.
I answered an ad that needed strippers for bachelor parties; the guy who ran the company was a complete douchebag and talked to the dancers very disrespectfully, but I worked with him a little because I needed the money and I knew that I wouldn't be working with him for very long. I made very good money with him, but I knew I couldn't work with someone that didn't deal with me respectfully so I started hunting for another gig. I answered an escort ad; I was naive....not knowing that escort was another name for prostitute, but even when I found out what it meant, I didn't really care. As long as I was getting paid well, and I did. But the guy who ran that company was a pimp and wanted me to give him all my hard earned money and in return he promised to "take care of me"...of course, that didn't work for me so I moved on. Then I answered another ad and it was the right fit. I was very popular because of my body type, plus I was 18, fresh out of high school...I was a lean, mean, fucking machine! lol. I made a lot of money with this company...the owner took a liking to me and we started dating, he spoiled me and treated me very well...I fell in love with him. Even though he had 3 kids by another woman, he treated me so well that it didn't matter. His house was amazing and he inspired and encouraged me to be my best self. He believed in me and made me feel/believe that I could have it all and I loved it.
But then.....every beginning must have and end. I found out that he had a fiance, gasp! I was so naive, I saw women's clothing and belongings at his home, but he told me they were his sister's and that she was in the process of moving out. I, like a dumb ass, believed him. One evening while we were at his home, I heard a car screech in the drive way and and out she jumps with a baseball bat and comes after me for "messing with her man". He got in the way and suggested that I left immediately. I was in so much shock! He was apologizing to her so I knew she wasn't lying...I left in disbelief. My heart was truly broken, crushed into pieces. It hurt so badly, I even cried for an hour. After I let it all out, I wiped my tears and it was time, yet again to take a step in another direction....I ended it with him and even though he came back begging me with gifts (which I accepted, lol) and told me that he was planning on leaving her, I didn't take him back. It was then I decided that I would leave him and his company all together and work as an independent escort, so I branched out on my own....

1 comment:

  1. I have not been over here to read your blog in like forever and a day. So now I am going to be reading up on all your post starting with this one. I see that I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Thank you for the information that you sent me via e-mail. I checked out the websites.

    For what your ex-boss did to you, some people would say that you deserve what you got. But I don’t believe that. Men love to do shit and think that they can and always will get away with. I hope she put that bat to good use upside his head. You know it amazes me how women attack other women for fucking their men. I just don’t get it. The women has not done you any wrong, she has not broken any commitments to you.

    Well you moved on to better things.
