Saturday, July 7, 2012

June 15th, 2011

Today was the day to see oldie...I really wasn't in the mood. HE'S OLD!!! hahaha...I stayed up late watching my tivo so I really didn't feel like having him around. In any case, he stopped by; we made small talk (it's like pulling teeth because I really have nothing to say to him because we are completely different when it comes to how we view life). He proceeds to kiss me (dreadful as usual) and then starts attempting to finger me but ends up scratching the hell out of my pussy like it was a scratch and sniff. "Not so rough" I responded; I guess that fucked up his self esteem and then he asks me to tell him when he's making me feel good. I respond "I will let you know if anything is wrong. If I don't say anything, then everything is fine". He pauses for a minute and I guess he decides to take time to regroup because apparently, it hurt his ego. I decided to get more comfortable and take a power nap while he made up his mind. After a while he asks me, "do you want to try again or should I go?" "It's up to you", I respond...he sure as hell was not getting spoon fed by me for $2,000/month, WTF??? He decides to give it another try. I jokingly say "you shouldn't put your foot in your mouth, it probably doesn't taste good"...he gets offended (being the sensitive pussy that he is) and says "ok, I'm definitely leaving...I don't think this will work". This of course pisses me off and I say "fine!" He obviously is delusional if he thinks he's gonna find another me out there. He's lucky he even got that far with me...oh well, he'll be back and even if he doesn't come back, I'm fine with that because I didn't enjoy my time with him anyways. Plus I already got my $$$ out of the deal so it's his loss either way. What a dumb ass!!!
Anywho, my dermatologist calls to have dinner with me; I gladly welcome that because I enjoy spending time with him anyways. I find out that he turns 60 this year! wonder he was embarrassed to tell me his age. I guess being a dermatologist pays because he's definitely had some things done to make him look younger...we had a nice time and ended the evening with him giving me some jewelry he bought me while he was in Nebraska with his sons. All in all, it was a good day. I drove home happy, soaked in the jacuzzi, watched tv, and went to bed :-)


  1. How many times were you seeing him for 2k a month? I find it really hard to be intimate with the really OLD ones so I have to make them pay me a lot in order to be a good little actress lol.

  2. Hahaha....I was only seeing him twice a month but of course he tries to milk the hell out of it, lol
