Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oct 20th-23rd, 2010

Oct 20th
School...talked to Jim and he got a call from his bank about my drafting out of his account for my credit cards and he told me it would get returned...I warned him about doing that and that he should just leave it alone but he was hard headed, thought he knew everything...oh well, I'm just going to monitor my account and if there is a return, I'll have no choice but to tell his wife!

Oct 21st
School...met up with Haiti at the club. It was a good night, although I had to tip out way too much to the club but it was worth coming in because I met some captains of mega yachts. Mr. Haiti had a good time, and all was well. Oldie did not deposit my rent like he said he would...I guess he's calling my bluff, oh well, he'll see not to fuck with me.

Oct 22nd
Woke up with a hangover, checked my bank account and found out that Jim actually returned the funds so I sent the email to his wife like I promised...he sent me a text later saying it was going to get ugly...bullshit...he fucked up his holiday over $5,000, so sad. I checked my inbox and found out that his wife wrote: "wrong address"...poor thing, trying to salvage her dignity. Decided to skip work and go to dinner with the bff at a different city and it was a nice change of pace...ran into a customer from the club at a venue we went to and he paid for our admission but his friends ended up going to another club. I told the bff about me telling Oldie's wife, it was quite the discussion. I also got a text from charlie saying he booked me for a massage...I guess he got over the wrong text I sent him, lol. It was a good day for a hangover, lol.

Oct 23rd
Slept late today, got up, drank a shake and got ready to go to the club to dance. I talked to Oldie and confirmed that his wife got my email and he seems like he's in deep shit but he knows that there's nothing he can do so he's throwing himself into work...I'm definitely looking forward to doing my insanity workout and shedding some fat...I got in and there was no funny business at the club today...met a bi-polar guy that reminded me of Richard but it was all good because I got a nice dinner out of the situation and then I got a customer to take me to was a good night and I can't complain. Sarah seemed a bit desperate tonight though...she likes to talk about how she makes all this money and she told me that she made $1,200 already but she was hounding customers in a desperate fashion to make money, lol...poor thing. She'll learn sooner or later that life is too short. I gave her my fashion book; I don't hate her but she's definitely not on my level...oh well..bed

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