Sunday, November 18, 2012

Oct 7th, 2010

Oct 7th
Well my first client for class canceled...then I get a text from Jeff saying that his dad was in the hospital so he had to leave town; but he enjoyed kissing me, lol. I wished him my best; I was bummed though because I was not looking forward to working tomorrow. Oh well. The bff still thinks I will be hanging out with him though, lol. She tried to schedule a dinner/birthday night with me, a mutual acquaintance and Oldie but I'm just not up for introducing Oldie to any more people. I wrapped up with school, came home and finally organized my living room... it looks like a home now. I took some more stuff to storage and went to the night class to do some more massages. I did one and the other canceled...what's with all these people that can't seem to make their SUPER CHEAP appointments? I spoke with Oldie; he was trying to get me to get Ben go in on the house with him because he is strapped for cash...ha! I told him no. I'm just going to wait till Saturday gets here but he better get me my house! I ran into my instructor today and he walked me to my car after my clinic; even shared his dinner with me. He actually inspired me to roast a chicken which came out great! He kissed me at my car; I was a bit nervous because I didn't need my classmates in my business so I stopped him...I told him I would make it up to him. I came home and just ate; I didn't have the strength to work out today. Sleep!

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